Why Rokris?
A Provider that understands Mining grade quality, and recognises the value of combining extensive mining industry experience with quality manufacturers, who produce high quality products, improve operational efficiency and assist in improving your bottom line.
High Quality Products
Quality that provides users with significant Benefits and Cost Savings.
Engineering Excellence
Product excellence in design, engineering, and manufacturing to meet the most stringent standards.
Customer Service
Personalised service delivered through a network of experienced partners in key regions.
Product Innovation
Introduce innovative products that challenge the status quo in order to achieve significant outcomes for our customers.
What we do?
Rokris International has invested years of researching Australian and American manufacturers. Ultimately affiliating itself with only the few that satisfied the most stringent Mining standards and who offer a significant competitive advantage enabling us to pass the benefits onto you.

Innovative Solutions Is The Foundation Of Everything We Do

Email: info@rokris.com
Address: Melbourne, Vic 3000
Rokris International is a distributor of world class innovative products that make a difference
- Company: Rokris International
- Contact: info@rokris.com
- Telephone: (+61) 4032 7255
- Address: Melbourne, Vic 3000
- Company: Sociedad Comercial Rokris SPA
- Telephone: 59 9 82493507
- Address: Av. Providencia 1208, Oficina 1603 Providencia Santiago Chile
- Company: Dinámica Multiservicios y Representaciones S.A.C. - DMR SAC
- Contact: Julio Ortiz
- Telephone: +51 346 2203
- Phone: +51 9712 85238
- Web: www.dmrperu.com
- Address: Address: Av. Gral. Cesar Canevaro 1233, SJM, Lima, Perú
United States
- Company: Enviropeel
- Contact: Zak Estes
- Telephone: +1-317-631-9100
- Web: www.enviropeel.com
- Address: 1128 South West Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 46225
- Company: Euxinio Industrial SA de CV
- Contact: Martin Garcia
- Telephone: Office +(52) 622-137-4388
- Phone: +(52) 662-244-8021
- Email: sales@euxinio.com
- Web: www.euxinio.com.mx
- Address: Calle Venus SN entre Catedral y Jardín Col. San Bernardo. CP 85460 Guaymas, Sonora, México
- Company: Grupo SSISA
- Contact: Ing. Pablo Valero
- Telephone: +507 3915790
- Phone: +507 60707329
- Web: www.grupossisa.com
- Address: Av. Eusebio Morales - Calle 52 Este, Obarrio PH. Plaza Ejecutiva Planta Baja Local 1D, Ciudad de Panamá
South Africa
- Company: Shaka Industries
- Contact: Bresler Becker
- Telephone: 011 656 3356
- Web: www.shaka.co.za
Allhart Office Park
152 Western Service Road Woodmead, Sandton, 2191
United Kingdom
- Company: A & S International
- Contact: Angus MacDonald
- Telephone: +44 118 930 4321
- Web: https://aands.international/
- Address: The Old Brewery 2 Brewery Court, High Street Theale, RG7 5AH United Kingdom
New Zealand
- Company: Dr Diesel
- Contact: Dr Diesel
- Phone: +642 181 1057
- Web: www.drdiesel.nz
- Address: 401 C Lower Queen Street Richmond Nelson 7020