Trichloroethylene Safety Data Sheet
Infosafe NoTM: 1CH83
Issue Date: November 2016
Classified as hazardous
1. Identification
- GHS Product Identifier
- Company Name
CHEM-SUPPLY PTY LTD (ABN 19 008 264 211)
- Address
38 - 50 Bedford Street GILLMAN
SA 5013 Australia - Telephone/Fax Number
Tel: (08) 8440-2000
Fax: (08) 8440-2001 - Recommended use
of the chemical and
restrictions on use
Vapour degreasing of metal parts in the automotive and metal industries; component of adhesives; solvent in paint-strippers, lubricants, paints, varnishes, pesticides, cold metal cleaners, rubbers and elastomers; low temperature heat-transfer medium; chemical intermediate in the production of pharmaceuticals, flame retardant chemicals and insecticides; used in metal phosphatizing systems, textile processing, the production of polyvinyl chloride and aerospace operations and as a laboratory reagent. Its historical use in foods, beverages (decaffeination of coffee), pet foods, medicine, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics has been banned because of its toxicity.
Other Names
Name | Product Code |
Ethylene trichloride |
TL039 |
- Other Information
Business hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Chem-Supply Pty Ltd does not warrant that this product is suitable for any use or purpose. The user must ascertain the suitability of the product before use or application intended purpose. Preliminary testing of the product before use or application is recommended. Any reliance or purported reliance upon Chem-Supply Pty Ltd with respect to any skill or judgement or advice in relation to the suitability of this product of any purpose is disclaimed. Except to the extent prohibited at law, any condition implied by any statute as to the merchantable quality of this product or fitness for any purpose is hereby excluded. This product is not sold by description. Where the provisions of Part V, Division 2 of the Trade Practices Act apply, the liability of Chem-Supply Pty Ltd is limited to the replacement of supply of equivalent goods or payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods.
2. Hazard Identification
- GHS classification
of the substance/mixture
Carcinogenicity: Category 2
Eye Damage/Irritation: Category 2A
Germ Cell Mutagenicity: Category 2
Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Category 2
STOT Single Exposure Category 3 (Central nervous system) - Signal Word (s)
- Hazard Statement (s)
H315 Causes skin irritation.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects.
H350 May cause cancer. - Pictogram (s)
Health hazard, Exclamation mark
- Precautionary statement – Prevention
P201 Obtain special instructions before use.
P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.
P264 Wash thoroughly after handling.
P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P281 Use personal protective equipment as required. - Precautionary statement – Response
P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
P362 Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
P312 Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P337+P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.
P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention. - Precautionary statement – Storage
P403+P233 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
P405 Store locked up. - Precautionary statement - Disposal
P501 Dispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plant.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
- Chemical Characterization
Name | CAS | Proportion | Hazard Symbol | Risk Phrase |
Trichloroethylene | 79-01-6 | 100 % |
4. First-aid measures
- Inhalation
If inhaled, remove from contaminated area to fresh air immediately. Apply artificial respiration if not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid if cough or other symptoms appear.
- Ingestion
Rinse mouth thoroughly with water immediately, repeat until all traces of product have been removed. Give water to drink. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Seek medical advice if symptoms persist.
- Skin
If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water. If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical attention.
- First Aid Facilities
Maintain eyewash fountain and safety shower in work area.
- Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically based on judgement of doctor and individual reactions of the patient.
- Other Information
For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre (Phone eg Australia 13 1126; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor.
5. Fire-fighting measures
- Hazards from Combustion Products
Hydrogen chloride gas, phosgene and other toxic and irritating compounds, such as chlorine and dichloracetyl chloride.
- Specific Methods
No limitations to the type of extinguishing media.
Small fire: Use dry chemical, CO2 or water spray. If safe to do so, move undamaged containers from fire area.
Large fire: Use dry chemical, CO2, foam or water spray - Do not use water jets.
Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Avoid getting water inside containers. - Hazchem Code
- Decomposition Temp.
>400 °C (in the presence of air) (however, avoid temperatures >130 °C.)
- Precautions in
connection with Fire
Wear SCBA and chemical splash suit. Fully-encapsulating, gas-tight suits should be worn for maximum protection. Structural firefighter's uniform is NOT effective for these materials.
6. Accidental release measures
- Personal Precautions
Evacuate the area of all non-essential personnel. Ventilate contaminated area thoroughly. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, nose, mouth.
- Personal Protection
Wear protective clothing specified for normal operations (see Section 8)
- Clean-up Methods - Small Spillages
Absorb or contain liquid with sand, earth or spill control material. Shovel up using non sparking tools and place in a labelled, sealable container for subsequent safe disposal. Put leaking containers in a labelled drum or overdrum.
7. Handling and storage
- Precautions for Safe Handling
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid ingestion or inhalation of liquid/vapour/spray mist. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Minimise exposure and the quantities kept in work areas. Use only in well ventilated areas. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Wear protective gloves when mixing or using. Wear suitable protective clothing. Under no circumstances eat, drink or smoke while handling this material. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Do not empty into drains. Unsuitable working materials: various plastics. Keep locked up. Keep container closed. Protect against physical damage. Keep away from incompatible materials. Keep away from heat and all sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Empty containers pose a fire risk and may be hazardous, since they retain product residues (vapours, liquid); evaporate the residue under a fume hood and observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. This product should be handled only by, or under the close supervision of, those properly qualified in the handling and use of potentially hazardous chemicals, who should take into account the fire, health and chemical hazard data. It should always be handled in an efficient fume hood or equivalent system. The user should consider that the toxicological and physiological properties of many compounds are not yet well determined and that new hazardous products may arise from reactions between chemicals.
- Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatabilities
Carcinogenic, teratogenic or mutagenic materials should be stored in a separate locked safety storage cabinet or room. Storage site should be as close as practical to lab in which carcinogens are to be used, so that only small quantities required for experiment need to be carried. Carcinogens should be kept in only one section of cupboard, an explosion-proof refrigerator or freezer (depending on chemicophysical properties) that bears appropriate label. An inventory should be kept, showing quantity of carcinogen and date it was acquired. Facilities for dispensing should be contiguous to storage area. Store in tightly closed containers, in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Store away from food-stuffs, strong acids, alkalis, active metals, or oxidizing agents. Light sensitive. Store in the dark. Protect against light, moisture and physical damage. Keep away from any source of heat or ignition. Handle and store under nitrogen/inert gas. Check containers periodically for leaks. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapours, liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product.
- Corrosiveness
Pure, dry, stabilized trichloroethylene is not corrosive to steel, cast iron, stainless steels, aluminium or nickel and its alloys. Trichloroethylene may attack aluminum, zinc and their alloys when it is unstabilized, uninhibited or lightly inhibited, heated or in the presence of water. No specific information is available on the corrosion rates. It can also attack brass and lead.
- Storage Regulations
Refer Australian Standard AS/NZS 4452:1997 'The storage and handling of toxic substances'.
- Storage Temperatures
Store at room temperature (15 to 25 °C recommended).
- Recommended Materials
Carbon steel, stainless steel, galvanized iron, black iron, or steel.
- Unsuitable Materials
Aluminium, aluminium alloy, or galvanized iron; plastic (unless they are known to be suitable for the storage of trichloroethylene).
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Occupational exposure limit values
Name | STEL | TWA | |||
mg/m3 | ppm | mg/m3 | ppm | Footnote | |
Trichloroethylene | 216 | 40 | 54 | 10 |
- Other Exposure Information
A time weighted average (TWA) has been established for Trichloroethylene (Safe Work Australia) of 54 mg/m³, (10 ppm). The corresponding STEL level is 216 mg/m³, (40 ppm). The STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is an exposure value that should not be exceeded for more than 15 minutes and should not be repeated for more than 4 times per day. There should be at least 60 minutes between successive exposures at the STEL. The exposure value at the TWA is the average airborne concentration of a particular substance when calculated over a normal 8 hour working day for a 5 day working week. Note: Absorption through skin may be a significant source of exposure.
- Appropriate engineering controls
In industrial situations maintain the concentrations values below the TWA. This may be achieved by process modification, use of local exhaust ventilation, capturing substances at the source, or other methods.
- Respiratory Protection
Where ventilation is not adequate, respiratory protection may be required. Avoid breathing vapours or mists. Select and use respirators in accordance with AS 1716 - Respiratory Protective Devices and be selected in accordance with AS 1715 - Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Devices. When mists or vapours exceed the exposure standards then the use of the following is recommended: Approved respirator with organic vapour and dust/mist filters. Filter capacity and respirator type depends on exposure levels.
- Eye Protection
The use of a face shield, chemical goggles or safety glasses with side shield protection as appropriate. Must comply with Australian Standards AS 1337 and be selected and used in accordance with AS 1336.
- Hand Protection
Hand protection should comply with AS 2161, Occupational protective gloves - Selection, use and maintenance. Recommendation: Excellent: Supported Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) gloves. Viton 890 gloves. Silver Shield gloves 4-H gloves. Good: Neoprene gloves Poor: Nitrile rubber gloves Butyl rubber gloves Natural rubber gloves
- Personal Protective Equipment
Final choice of personal protective equipment will depend on individual circumstances and/or according to risk assessments undertaken.
- Footwear
Safety boots in industrial situations is advisory, foot protection should comply with AS 2210, Occupational protective footwear - Guide to selection, care and use.
- Body Protection
Clean clothing or protective clothing should be worn, preferably with an apron. Clothing for protection against chemicals should comply with AS 3765 Clothing for Protection Against Hazardous Chemicals. Recommendation: Viton. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA).
- Hygiene Measures
Always wash hands before smoking, eating or using the toilet. Wash contaminated clothing and other protective equipment before storing or re-using.
9. Physical and chemical properties
- Form
- Appearance
Colourless liquid.
- Odour
Ethereal, sweet, chloroform-like odour.
- Decomposition Temperature
>400 °C (in the presence of air) (however, avoid temperatures >130 °C.)
- Melting Point
Reported values vary; -73 °C; -86.5 °C.
- Boiling Point
87 °C
- Solubility in Water
1.28 g/l at 20 °C.
- Solubility in Organic Solvents
Soluble in all proportions in ethanol, acetone, diethyl ether, chloroform, fixed and volatile oils, and most common organic solvents.
- Specific Gravity
1.464 at 20 °C (water=1)
- Vapour Pressure
77 hPa, 20 °C.
- Vapour Density (Air=1)
- Evaporation Rate
4.9 (n-butyl acetate = 1); 3.0 (n-butyl acetate= 1); 3.1 (diethyl ether = 1).
- Odour Threshold
A wide range of values have been reported; 0.5 to 167 ppm. Reliable values are 82 ppm (detection) and 110 ppm (recognition). Some people may not smell trichloroethylene at higher concentrations because they become accustomed to the odour.
- Volatile Component
100 %vol @ 21 °C
- Partition Coefficient: n-octanol/water
Log P (o/w) = 2.29
- Surface Tension
29.3 mN/m (29.3 dynes/cm) at 20 °C.
- Flash Point
None measured by conventional test methods. High concentrations of vapour mixed with air can be ignited by high-energy sources.
- Flammability
Not flammable under most conditions of use. Trichloroethylene vapour can burn with difficulty in the presence of a continuous ignition source.
- Auto-Ignition Temperature
410 °C.
- Flammable Limits - Lower
8.0% at 25 °C; 7.8% at 100 °C (continuous contact with ignition source).
- Flammable Limits - Upper
Saturation vapour concentration (9.74% at 25 °C); 52% at 100 °C (continuous contact with ignition source).
- Explosion Properties
A strong ignition source, e. g., a welding torch, can produce ignition. Sealed containers may rupture when heated.
- Molecular Weight
- Kinematic Viscosity
0.39 m²/s (0.39 centistokes) at 20 °C (calculated).
- Dynamic Viscosity
0.57 mPa.s (0.57 centipoise) at 20 °C.
- Saturated Vapour Concentration
Approximately 79000 ppm (7.9%) at 20 °C; 97400 ppm (9.74%) at 25 °C (calculated).
- Other Information
Conversion Factor: 1 ppm = 5.36 mg/m³; 1 mg/m³ = 0.186 ppm at 25 °C (calculated).
Index of refraction: 1.4773 @ 20 °C/D.
Dielectric constant: 3.42 @ 16 °C.
10. Stability and reactivity
- Chemical Stability
Moderately stable. Trichloroethylene stabilizers are stable to 130 °C in the presence of air, moisture, light and construction metals. Stabilizers become less effective at higher temperatures. Trichloroethylene is decomposed slowly by air forming phosgene, hydrogen chloride and dichloroacetyl chloride. Sunlight (especially ultraviolet light), heat and moisture accelerate this reaction. In the presence of water, corrosive dichloroacetic acid and hydrochloric acid are formed.
- Conditions to Avoid
Air, sunlight (especially ultraviolet light), high energy ultra violet light sources, heat, open flames, welding arcs, or other high temperature sources, strong bases including caustic soda and caustic potash, metallic aluminium and zinc powders, depletion of stabilizers, moisture and water.
- Incompatible Materials
Alkali metals (e.g. sodium or potassium and its alloys), strong bases (e.g. sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide) or epoxides (e.g. 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane and catalytic amounts of halide ions), strong oxidising agents, e.g. dinitrogen tetroxide, nitric acid, perchloric acid, oxygen, or peroxides) or strong reducing agents (e.g. phosphorus, tin (II) chloride, metal hydrides), chemically active metals (e.g. granular barium, lithium shavings, or beryllium, magnesium or titanium powder), copper, aluminium powder, aluminium chloride, potassium nitrate, iron, copper, zinc or aluminium.
- Hazardous Decomposition Products
Hydrogen chloride gas, hydrochloric acid, phosgene, dichloroacetyl chloride and dichloroacetic acid.
- Possibility of hazardous reactions
Mixtures with alkali metals (e.g. sodium or potassium and its alloys) are shock-sensitive and may explode with great violence on light impact. Forms spontaneously explosive and flammable monochloroacetylene or dichloroacetylene.
Reaction with strong bases (e.g. sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide) or epoxides (e.g. 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane and catalytic amounts of halide ions) decomposes trichloroethylene forming spontaneously explosive and flammable dichloroacetylene gas.
May react violently with strong oxidising agents (e.g. dinitrogen tetroxide, nitric acid, perchloric acid, oxygen, or peroxides) or with strong reducing agents (e.g. phosphorus, tin (II) chloride, metal hydrides), with risk of fire and explosion.
Reaction with chemically active metals (e.g. granular barium, lithium shavings, or beryllium, magnesium or titanium powder) can ignite or explode violently.
Can react with copper, with any dichloroethylenes present as an impurity, to form explosive acetylides.
May react violently with aluminium powder, with ignition if traces of hydrochloric acid are present. Reaction with aluminium chloride speeds up the polymerization of trichloroethylene, with production of hydrochloric acid and a very high release of heat.
May react violently with potassium nitrate.
Reaction with iron, copper, zinc or aluminium forms phosgene at 250-600 °C. - Hazardous
Does not occur.
- Polymerization
The liquid can be polymerised by irradiation with cobalt 60 gamma rays or X-rays.
11. Toxicological Information
- Acute Toxicity - Oral
LD50 (rat): 4920 mg/kg;
- Acute Toxicity - Dermal
LD50 (rabbit): > 20000 mg/kg
- Acute Toxicity - Inhalation
LC50 (mouse): ~ 48.34 ppm/ 4 h.
- Ingestion
Harmful if swallowed. Ingestion causes a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, irritation of the digestive tract, followed by coughing, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, dizziness, pulmonary oedema, unconsciousness and signs and symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) depression, as described for inhalation exposure above. Ingestion of 30 mL to 500 mL may cause muscle weakness, vomiting and unconsciousness or delirium, with recovery within 2 weeks. May affect the heart, liver and kidneys. May be fatal due to kidney and liver failure. Some effects described, e.g. the liver effects, may be caused by other chemicals (stabilizers) added to trichloroethylene. Risk of aspiration! Aspiration of material into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonitis, severe lung irritation and damage to the lung tissues which may be fatal. Ingestion is not a typical route of occupational exposure. Estimated fatal dose is 3-5 ml/kg.
- Inhalation
Short-term exposure causes irritation of the nose and throat and central nervous system (CNS) depression, with symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness, giddiness, headache, loss of coordination, gastric disturbances, and intolerance to alcohol. High concentrations have caused numbness and facial pain, jaw weakness (trigeminal nerve effects) and serious visual disturbances, including reduced eyesight and blurred or double vision, unconsciousness, irregular heartbeat and death. Behaviour and coordination (reaction time, dexterity, perception, and memory) may be affected. May produce permanent nervous system damage and/or liver injury by severe overexposure.
- Skin
Liquid causes severe skin irritation, redness and pain. Can cause blistering. Prolonged and/or repeated contact may cause defatting of the skin and dermatitis and can produce rough, dry, red skin resulting in secondary infection. May cause peripheral nervous system function impairment including persistent neuritis, and temporary loss of touch. The concentrated vapour, especially at elevated temperatures, can also cause severe redness and irritation. Several cases of very severe skin irritation have been reported in employees exposed to unspecified or high concentrations (up to 165 ppm) of trichloroethylene for a relatively short time (up to 5 weeks). Damage to the liver and other organs has been observed in workers who have been overexposed. Can be absorbed through the skin. However, significant harmful effects are not expected to occur by this route of exposure.
- Eye
The liquid produces severe irritation, tearing, burning pain and superficial damage to the cornea, but complete recovery occurs within a few days. Mild irritation has been reported by some volunteers exposed to 160 or 200 ppm vapour. Other sources report no eye irritation at 350-400 ppm. Exposure to high concentrations of vapour (anaesthetic levels of 27 500 - 108 000 mg/m³) also causes eye irritation and superficial damage to the cornea, but with complete recovery. Serious disturbances in eyesight, including reduced eyesight and blurred, double and tunnel vision, have been reported in people with high inhalation exposure. See 'Inhalation', above, for additional information.
- Skin Sensitisation
In a Guinea Pig Maximization Test, trichloroethylene tested positive in 10/14 animals, indicating that it was a strong sensitizer. However, the purity of trichloroethylene was not specified. Some 50 known stabilizers are used in trichloroethylene formulations, including amines, pyrroles, mixtures of epoxides and esters, phenols, and alcohols. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude that trichloroethylene is a skin sensitizer based on this study.
- Carcinogenicity
Trichloroethylene [79-01-6] is evaluated in the IARC Monographs (Vol. 63; 1995) as Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans.
- Reproductive Toxicity
It is not possible to conclude that occupational exposure to trichloroethylene causes harmful effects on reproductive function in men or women, based on the limited human information available.
- Chronic Effects
Chronic inhalation may cause effects similar to those of acute inhalation. Chronic exposures may cause liver and kidney effects, central nervous system depression, intolerance to alcohol, increased cardiac output, irregular heart beat, peripheral nervous system function impairment including persistent neuritis, and temporary loss of touch, signs and symptoms of affected nerves of the face and head (cranial nerves), in particular, the trigeminal nerve, which provides feeling and movement to part of the face, with symptoms such as facial numbness, jaw weakness, altered reflexes and facial discomfort, to a lesser extent, signs and symptoms of affected optic nerve, which provides sight, possibly causing vision disturbances, including blurred, double or tunnel vision and poor eyesight. Prolonged and/or repeated exposure to average trichloroethylene levels of 100 ppm and above may cause signs and symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) depression such as headaches, dizziness, altered mood, loss of memory and inability to concentrate or sleep. Symptoms such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, and altered mood may occur with exposures of up to 40 ppm. Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause defatting and dry, red and chapped skin (dermatitis). Long-term exposure to very high concentrations may harm hearing. This material is linked to mutagenic effects in humans. This material is also a suspect carcinogen.
- Serious eye damage/irritation
Draize test, rabbit, eye: 20 mg/24 h Moderate.
- Mutagenicity
R68(M3) Mutagen Category 3, Harmful - Possible risk of irreversible effects - Worksafe Aust. Listed as a mutagen, category 3 in List of Designated Hazardous Substances, - NOHSC. Substances that cause concern for man owing to possible mutagenic effects. There is evidence from appropriate mutagenicity studies, but this is insufficient to place the substance in Category 2.
- Skin corrosion/irritation
Draize test, rabbit, skin: 2 mg/24 h Severe.
12. Ecological information
- Ecotoxicity
Toxic for aquatic organisms. May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
- Persistence and degradability
Biodegradation: 19%/28 d. Not readily biodegradable.
- Environmental Fate
Behaviour in environmental compartments:
Distribution: log P(o/w): 2.29 - Bioaccumulative Potential
No appreciable bioaccumulation is to be expected (log P(o/w) 1-3).
- Other Adverse Effects
Henry constant: 998Pa*m3/mol. Distribution preferentially in air.
- Environmental Protection
Do not allow to enter waters, waste water, or soil!
- Acute Toxicity - Fish
LC50 (P. promelas): 41 mg/l/ 96h.
- Acute Toxicity - Daphnia
EC50 (Daphnia magna): 18 mg/l/48h.
- Acute Toxicity - Algae
IC50 (P. subcapitata): 175 mg/l/96 h.
- Acute Toxicity - Bacteria
EC50 (P.phosphoreum): 975 mg/l/5 min.
13. Disposal considerations
- Disposal Considerations
Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be disposed of according to relevant local, state and federal government regulations.
14. Transport information
- Transport Information
Dangerous Goods of Class 6 (Toxic and Infectious Substances) are incompatible in a placard load with any of the following: -Class 1, Class 3, if the Class 3 dangerous goods are nitromethane, Class 8, if the Class 6 dangerous goods are cyanides and the Class 8 dangerous goods are acids; and are incompatible with food and food packaging in any quantity.
- UN proper shipping name
- Transport hazard class(es)
- Hazchem Code
- Packaging Method
- Packing Group
- EPG Number
- IERG Number
15. Regulatory information
- Regulatory Information
Listed in the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS).
- Poisons Schedule
16. Other Information
- Literature References
'Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons No. 6', Commonwealth of Australia, February 2015.
Lewis, Richard J. Sr. 'Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary 13th. Ed.', Rev., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., NY, 1997.
National Road Transport Commission, 'Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail 7th. Ed.', 2007.
Safe Work Australia, 'National Code of Practice fot the Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals', 2011.
Standards Australia, 'SAA/SNZ HB 76:2010 Dangerous Goods - Initial Emergency Response Guide',
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, 2010.
Safe Work Australia, 'Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:1008 (2004)]'.
Safe Work Australia, 'Hazardous Substances Information System, 2005'.
Safe Work Australia, 'National Code of Practice for the Labelling of Safe Work Hazardous Substances (2011)'.
Safe Work Australia, 'National Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment [NOHSC:1003(1995) 3rd Edition]'. - Contact Person/Point
Paul McCarthy Ph. (08) 8440 2000 DISCLAIMER STATEMENT:
All information provided in this data sheet or by our technical representatives is compiled from the best knowledge available to us. However, since data, safety standards and government regulations are subject to change and the conditions of handling and use, or misuse, are beyond our control, we make no warranty either expressed or implied, with respect to the completeness or accuracy to the information contained herein. Chem-Supply accepts no responsibility whatsoever for its accuracy or for any results that may be obtained by customers from using the data and disclaims all liability for reliance on information provided in this data sheet or by our technical representatives. - Empirical Formula & Structural Formula
Empirical Formula: C2-H-Cl3. Structural Formula: Cl2C:CHCl.
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Material Safety Data Sheet(Msds) Fuse Fire Resisten T Belt Repair
Effective date: January 2021
Section 1 : Identification of the chemical and the supplier
- Chemical name:
- Internal chemical code:
Does not apply
- Supplier / manufacturer / marketer:
Rokris International
- Product use:
Component for repair of conveyor belts
- Address:
13 Tyrone St, Werribee, Vic 3030
- Telephone number:
+54 91140
- Chemical emergencies):
+56 2 247 3600
- e-mail:
- Website::
Section 2 : Information on the substance or mixture
S.2.2 Case of a mixture
- a) Main components of the mixture:
Solution of polymeric substances, Pre polymer, black pigment, methyl ethyl ketone
- b) Components which contribute to risk:
- - Chemical name:
Cloruro de Metileno
- - concentration:
To require
- - UN number:
Section 3 : Risk identification
Mark on label
- NCh2190:
Class 0 Flame Retardant Liquid
Risk index
0: Insignificant
1: Mild
2: moderate 3: high
4: extreme

- Classification:
Class 0 Flame Retardant
- Risks to people’s health:
For the amount of the product contained, no effects are expected for overexposure. Overexposure to high concentrations could present harmful effects by inhalation..
- Effects of acute overexposure (for once).:
Slightly irritating to the skin, therefore, repeated or prolonged contact can cause dry skin and can cause dermatitis.
- Inhalation:
This product is dangerous if breathed in. May cause allergic skin irritation.
- Contact with skin:
Slightly irritating to the skin, therefore, repeated or prolonged contact can cause dry skin and can cause dermatitis.
- Contact with eyes:
May cause severe irritation, redness, tearing and swelling, see a doctor.
- Ingestion:
A massive ingestion of the product can irritate the gastrointestinal tract causing vomiting. When the fluid is ingested or vomited, it can enter the lungs directly by aspiration, which should be avoided. Do not induce vomiting.
- Effects of chronic (long-term) overexposure:
E xcessive, repeated or prolonged exposure can cause disorders of the respiratory system (allergic sensitization , lung injury), skin disorders (allergic sensitization, dermatitis). In confined spaces it can cause kidney and metabolic damage.
- Medical conditions that will be aggravated by
exposure to the product:
People with a propensity to allergies should not be exposed to the product, as well as people with frequent lung affections.
- b) Risks to the environment:
A simultaneous accidental dumping of the product (approx. 20 containers) may present an indirect risk in the aquatic environment by generating a reduction in oxygen.
- c) Risks of a physical and chemical nature
No information available.
- d) Specific risks of the substance
N o information available
- Other data
No information available
Section 4 : First aid measures
In case of accidental contact with the product, proceed in accordance with:
- Inhalation:
Mobilize the affected person in the open air. In case of not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Loosen anything thatmight be tight, such as a shirt collar, a tie, a belt. Seek medical attention.
- Ingestion:
Transport the person to fresh air. Do not induce vomiting. Do not give anything by mouth. Call or go to a doctor immediately.
- Contact with skin:
Flush contaminated skin with plenty of water. Wear off the contaminated clothes and shoes.
- Contact with eyes:
- :
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Raising the upper and lower eyelids. Consult a doctor. May cause moderate eye irritation.
- Notes for the attending physician:
No information available
Section 5 : Measures to fight against fire
- Specific risks:
This product does not represent any specific risk in case of fire. Water may not be efficient to fight fire.
- Combustion hazardous products:
Carbon dioxide (CO2) which can act as a suffocating gas. In incomplete combustion it generates carbon monoxide (CO), which is highly toxic if inhaled.
- Extinguishing agents:
Foam, chemical powder, carbon dioxide (CO2).
- Special Fire Fighting Procedures:
Evacuate the danger area. Use a recommended extinguishing agent.
- Special protective equipment for action in
Wear full protective suit and NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus with positive pressure mask, helmet with a visor, and safety shoes.
Section 6 : Measures to control spills or leaks
- Emergency measures to take if there is a spill:
Contain and cover the spill with earth or damp sand, collect all residues in a container for disposal in accordance with current environmental regulations. Only after the area has been completely cleaned can the material be returned to work.
- Elements and protection equipment to attack an
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, full chemical protection diver. Avoid unnecessary contact with the product.
- Personal precautions:
Evacuate the area if necessary, in prevention of any fire. Ventilate area of spill or leak. Wear personal protective equipment. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Dilution with water can cause contamination because it can run into waterways and sewers.
- Precautions to be taken to avoid damage to the
Dilution with water can cause contamination because it can run into water courses and sewers, FOR NO REASON, DOWNLOAD THE SEWER OR WATER COURSES.
- Cleaning methods (Recovery - Neutralization):
Ventilate area of spill or leak. Wear personal protective equipment. Contain by absorbing with inert material (wet sand, earth), and dispose of in suitable chemical waste containers. Do not use combustible substances such as sawdust.
- Waste disposal methods:
Deposit the spilled product in a container for disposal in accordance with current environmental regulations
- Secondary Risk Prevention Notes:
Because product vapors are heavier than air, they spread along the ground, accumulating in confined spaces or low areas.
Section 7:Manipulation and storage
S.7.1 Manipulation
- Technical measures (Recommendations):
It should be applied in open spaces with good ventilation , in cases of confined spaces it is necessary to implement forced ventilation. Static electricity can build up and create a fire hazard, so equipment must be grounded.
- Precautions to take:
Eating, drinking or smoking should be prohibited in places where this product is handled, stored or treated.
- Specific recommendations on safe manipulation:
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wear protective glasses, nitrile gloves, overalls and a half-face respirator with filters for organic vapors (type 3M).
S.7.2 Storage Technical
- measures:
The containers must be kept closed, do not hit or damage.
- Storage conditions:
Keep the container tightly closed in its original container, keep in a place with adequate ventilation for a longer life of the product. Do not smoke in storage areas.
- Storage conditions:
Plastic or metallic containers with coating.
Section 8: Exposure control / personal protection
- Measures to reduce exposure possiblity:
Apply the product in open or ventilated spaces if required.
- Parameters for control:
Blood count and kidney function tests.
- Weighted allowable limits(L.P.P.):
(LPP) 0.004 ppm; 0.03 mg/m3
- Absolute (LPA):
(LPT) 0.02 ppm; 0.14 mg/m3
- Temporal (L.P.T.):
(LPA) No information available
- Odoriferous threshold:
No information available
- Biological standards:
No information available
- Radioactive allowable limits:
Does not apply
- Breathing protection:
Use a half-face respirator with filters for organic vapors (type 3M).
- Protection for eyes/face:
Wear chemical protective glasses to avoid splashing.
- Personal protection for hands:
Wear nitrine or neoprene gloves
- Personal protection for body/skin:
Wear appropriate protective clothing such as PVC apron or working overalls
- Personal protection for feet:
Wear safety shoes or rubber boots to avoid splashing
- Hygiene measures, ventilation:
Apply the product in open spaces. In case of confined spaces you must maintain forced ventilation
- Special precautions:
Apply the product in open spaces. In case of confined spaces you must maintain forced ventilation
Sección 9 : Propiedades físicas y químicas
- Physical state:
Viscous paste
- The way it is presented:
Viscous liquid to 20°C
- Molecular weight:
No information available
- smell:
Does not apply
- Colour:
Does not apply
- pH:
Does not apply
- Concentration:
Does not apply
- Specific temperatures and/or temperature ranges:
No information available
- Decomposition temperature:
No information available
- Melting temperature:
No information available
- Boiling temperatura:
- Critical temperature:
No information available
- Autoignition temperature:
Does not apply
- Flashpoint:
Does not apply
- Freezing point:
No information available
- Flammability limits:
No information available
- Explosive properties:
No information available
- Fire or explotion risk:
No information available
- Fire propagation velocity:
No information available
- Vapor relative density to 20°C:
Does not apply
- Liquid relative density:
1.0 a 1.3 a 25°C
- Solubility in wáter and other solvents (mg/l):
No soluble (reaction occurs releasing CO2)
- Octanol/water partition coefficient:
No information available
- Vapor pressure to 20ºC:
0.03 amber
- Flammability range (% de air volume):
No information available
- Kind or type of radioactivity:
Does not apply
- Radioactivity range:
Does not apply
Sección 10: Estabilidad y reactividad
- stability:
Stable under normal conditions
- Risk reactions:
No information
- Conditions that must be avoided:
Avoid flames and contact with products that have active hydrogen; alcohols and acids.
- Incompatibility (materials that must be avoided) strong, water, acids and bases.:
Avoid contact with acids / oxidants
- Hazardous decomposition products:
Does not decompose.
- Hazardous combustion products:
May emit acrid fumes of aldehydes and cyanates along with carbon monoxide and dioxide.
- Hazardous polymerization:
Does not happen
Section 11: Toxicological informacion
- Short term toxicity (Acute or severe):
Stable under normal conditions
- Long term toxicity (Chronic):
No information
- Local or systemic effects:
Likely to generate effects on the metabolism and kidneys and liver in case of prolonged contact at high concentrations.
- Allergen sensitization:
Eye irritation and dry skin.
- Specific effects:
Irritation, cough, nausea.
- Scientific experiments:
No information available
- Other data:
No information available
Section 12 : Ecological information
- Instability:
The product is stable under normal storage conditions.
- Persistence / degradability:
No information
- Bío-accumulation:
It isn’t produced
- Effects on the environment:
Only in case of large spills can it be toxic to aquatic species and soil microorganisms.
- Scientific experiments:
No information available
- Other data:
No information available
Section 13 : Final disposal considerations
Final disposal of the substance, waste and / or waste: They must be disposed of in disposal facilities authorized by the Sanitary Authority, which must comply with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. 148 Sanitary Regulation on solid waste management.
Disposal of contaminated containers and packaging: Disposal of this product must be in disposal facilities authorized by the Sanitary Authority, which must comply with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. 148, sanitary regulation on solid waste management.
Section 14 : Information on transport
14.1 Land transport
- Proper shipping name:
Methylene Chloride
- UN / ID No.:
- Hazard class:
- Packing group:
- Hazard code:
- Limited and excepted quantity:
ADR: 5L / E1 R. 195/97: 333 kg
14.1 Air transport (ICAO / IATA)
- Proper shipping name:
Methylene Chloride
- UN / ID No.:
- Hazard class:
- Packing group:
- Instructions for passenger and cargo aircraft:
Y344, 10L / 355,
- Instructions for cargo aircraft:
366, 220L
- CRE:
- Special provisions:
Doesn’t have
14.1 Maritime transport (IMO)
Transport in packaging according to the IMDG Code
- Proper name for transport:
Methylene Chloride
- UN / ID No.:
- Hazard class:
- Packing group:
- EMS:
F - E; S - D
- Stowage and segregation:
Category A
- Marine pollutant:
- Name of the transport documentation:
UN 1307; Methylene Chloride; 0; II

Section 15 : Current standards
- Applicable international standards:
- Applicable national standards:
D.S.198; D.S.78; D.S; NCh 382; NCh 2190
- Mark on label:
Class 0 Flame Retardant Liquid NCh 2190
Section 16 : other information
The data consigned in this Safety Data Sheet were obtained from reliable sources, however, it is provided without express or implicit guarantee regarding the accuracy or correctness. The information that is delivered in it is currently known on the matter.
Considering that the use of this information and the products is beyond the control of the supplier, the company does not assume any responsibility for this concept. Determine the conditions of safe use of the product.
Once opened, the product must be used in its entirety. Do not use in confined spaces without established security measures.
It is unlikely that under the conditions of normal use of the product, acute effects will occur. It would only be possible in a special situation where it is used in massive quantities and the protection systems recommended by the manufacturer are not available.
Australia Ghs Safety Data Sheet
- Product name:
- Product Use/Class:
LORD Corporation
111 LORD Drive
Cary, NC 27511-7923 USA
Telephone: 814 868-3180
Non-Transportation Emergency: 814 763-2345
Chemtrec 24 Hr Transportation Emergency No.
800 424-9300 (Outside Continental U.S. 703 527-3887)
Connell Bros. Co. Australasia Pty Ltd. 3 / 32 Windorah Street
Stafford QLD 4053 Australia
ABN 53 079 159 327
Phone - 07 3552 9200
Australia Wide - 24 Hr Emergency Number
Flammable liquids Category 2
Acute toxicity Inhalation - Dust and Mist Category 4
Acute toxicity Inhalation - Vapours Category 4
Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A
Specific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure) Category 3
Hazardous to the aquatic environment - acute hazard Category 1
Hazardous to the aquatic environment - chronic hazard Category 1

Signal Word
Hazard Statements
Highly flammable liquid and vapor.
Harmful if inhaled.
Causes serious eye irritation.
May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
May cause respiratory irritation.
Very toxic to aquatic life.
Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary Statements
Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking.
Ground/Bond container and receiving equipment.
Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipment.
Use only non-sparking tools.
Take precautionary measures against static discharge.
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid release to the environment.
In case of fire: refer to section 5 of SDS for extinguishing media.
Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.
Continue rinsing.
Collect spillage.
Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
Store locked up.
Dispose of contents/container in accordance with waste/disposal laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.
Other Hazards:
This product contains component(s) which have the following warnings; however based on the GHS classification criteria of your country or locale, the product mixture may be outside the respective category(s).
- Acute:
Vapor harmful; may affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness, headache or nausea. May cause central nervous system depression characterized by the following progressive steps: headache, dizziness, staggering gait, confusion, unconsciousness or coma. Causes skin irritation. Vapors may cause irritation of nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract. Possible irritation of the respiratory system can occur causing a variety of symptoms such as dryness of the throat, tightness of the chest, and shortness of breath. May be harmful if swallowed. Ingestion is not an expected route of entry in industrial or commercial uses.
- Chronic:
Repeated or prolonged solvent overexposure may result in permanent central nervous system damage. Prolonged or repeated contact may result in dermatitis.
Chemical Name | CAS Number | Range |
Ethyl acetate | 141-78-6 | 95 - 100 % |
Trichloroisocyanuric acid | PROPRIETARY | 1 - 5 % |
Immediately flush eyes continuously with lukewarm, gently flowing water for at least 30 minutes. Get prompt medical attention.
Flush contaminated skin with large amounts of water while removing contaminated clothing. Wash affected skin areas with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.
Move person to fresh air. Restore and support continued breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing or heart has stopped, trained personnel should immediately administer artificial respiration or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as required. Get immediate medical attention.
If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center immediately for further instructions. Never give anything by mouth if victim is rapidly losing consciousness, unconscious or convulsing. If breathing or heart has stopped, trained personnel should immediately administer artificial respiration or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as required.
Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Fog
Not determined for this product.
Flammable liquid and vapor. Keep containers tightly closed. Isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks, open flame, and other sources of ignition. Closed containers may rupture when exposed to extreme heat. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. During a fire, irritating and/or toxic gases and particulate may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. WARNING: Nitrogen trichloride, a potentially explosive substance, can be generated if high concentrations of the dried residue of this product is mixed with small quantities of water. Do not add small amounts of water to dried residue. Do not mix dried residue with organic or damp materials.
Wear full firefighting protective clothing, including self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Water spray may be ineffective. If water is used, fog nozzles are preferable.
Remove all sources of ignition (flame, hot surfaces, and electrical, static or frictional sparks). Avoid contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Use self-contained breathing equipment.
Do not contaminate bodies of water, waterways, or ditches, with chemical or used container.
Keep non-essential personnel a safe distance away from the spill area. Notify appropriate authorities if necessary. Avoid contact. Before attempting cleanup, refer to hazard caution information in other sections of the SDS form. Contain and remove with inert absorbent material.
Keep closure tight and container upright to prevent leakage. Ground and bond containers when transferring material. Avoid skin and eye contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing of vapor or spray mists. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Empty containers should not be reused. Use with adequate ventilation. Because empty containers may retain product residue and flammable vapors, keep away from heat, sparks and flame; do not cut, puncture or weld on or near the empty container. Do not smoke where this product is used or stored. See Section 5 for cautionary information on handling of the dried residue of this product.
Do not store or use near heat, sparks, or open flame. Refer to OSHA 29CFR Part 1910.106 "Flammable and Combustible Liquids" for specific storage requirements. Do not store in metal container due to long-term incompatability; may corrode metal container over an extended period, causing possible leakage. Store only in wellventilated areas. Do not puncture, drag, or slide container. Keep container closed when not in use.
Strong acids, bases, and strong oxidizers.; See Section 5 for cautionary information on handling of the dried residue of this product.
Ethyl acetate | 141-78-6 | Australia STEL: 400 ppm, 1,440 mg/m3
Australia TWA: 200 ppm, 720 mg/m3 ACGIH-TWA: 400 ppm |
Trichloroisocyanuric acid | PROPRIETARY | Not Established |
Sufficient ventilation in pattern and volume should be provided in order to maintain air contaminant levels below recommended exposure limits. Caution: Solvent vapors are heavier than air and collect in lower levels of the work area. Sufficient ventilation (using explosion-proof equipment) should be provided to prevent flammable vapor/air mixtures from accumulating.
Use a NIOSH approved chemical/mechanical filter respirator designed to remove a combination of particulates and organic vapor if occupational limits are exceeded. For emergency situations, confined space use, or other conditions where exposure limits may be greatly exceeded, use an approved air-supplied respirator. For respirator use observe OSHA regulations (29CFR 1910.134) or use in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of your country or particular locality.
Use butyl gloves to prevent skin contact.
Use safety eyewear including safety glasses with side shields and chemical goggles where splashing may occur.
Use disposable or impervious clothing if work clothing contamination is likely. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
Wash hands before eating, smoking, or using toilet facility. Do not smoke in any chemical handling or storage area. Food or beverages should not be consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Typical values, not to be used for specification purposes.
25 °F, -3 °C -3 °C
Setaflash Closed Cup - BOILING RANGE:
77 °C
Heavier than Air
2.5 %(V)
9 %(V)
Faster than n-butylacetate.
- pH:
0.91 g/cm3
97.10 %
97.98 %
7.38 lb/gal, 881 g/l884 g/l
LEGEND: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not Determined
Hazardous polymerization will not occur under normal conditions.
Product is stable under normal storage conditions.
High temperatures. Sources of ignition.; See Section 5 for cautionary information on handling of the dried residue of this product.
Strong acids, bases, and strong oxidizers.; See Section 5 for cautionary information on handling of the dried residue of this product.
Halogen gas and a potentially explosive substance, Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen
Refer to section 2 of this SDS.
Refer to section 2 of this SDS.
Refer to section 2 of this SDS.
- Acute toxicity Inhalation - Dust and Mist:
Category 4
Components contributing to classification: Ethyl acetate. - Acute toxicity Inhalation - Vapours:
Category 4 - Harmful if inhaled.
Components contributing to classification: Ethyl acetate.
Chemical Name | LD50/LC50 |
Ethyl acetate | Oral LD50: Rat 5,620 mg/kg Dermal LD50: Rabbit > 18,000 mg/kg Inhalation LC50: Rat 4000 ppm/4 h |
Trichloroisocyanuric acid | Oral LD50: Rat 406 mg/kg Dermal LD50: Rabbit > 2,000 mg/kg |
- Skin corrosion/irritation:
No classification proposed
- Serious eye damage/eye irritation:
Category 2A - Causes serious eye irritation.
Components contributing to classification: Ethyl acetate. Trichloroisocyanuric acid. - Skin sensitization:
No classification proposed
- Respiratory sensitization:
No classification proposed
- Germ cell mutagenicity:
No classification proposed
- Carcinogenicity:
No classification proposed
- Reproductive toxicity:
No classification proposed
- Specific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure):
Category 3 - May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
Components contributing to classification: Ethyl acetate. - Specific target organ systemic toxicity (single exposure):
Category 3 - May cause respiratory irritation.
Components contributing to classification: Ethyl acetate. - Specific target organ systemic toxicity (repeated exposure):
No classification proposed
- Aspiration hazard:
No classification proposed
Chemical Name | Ecotoxicity |
Fish: Pimephales promelas 220 - 250 mg/l96 h flow-through Oncorhynchus mykiss 484 mg/l96 h flow-through Oncorhynchus mykiss 352 - 500 mg/l96 h semi-static Invertebrates: Daphnia magna 560 mg/l48 h Static |
Trichloroisocyanuric acid | Fish: Lepomis macrochirus 0.13 - 0.5 mg/l96 h Static Oncorhynchus mykiss 0.06 - 0.11 mg/l96 h Static Invertebrates: Daphnia magna 0.21 mg/l48 h Daphnia magna 0.16 - 0.18 mg/l48 h Static |
Not determined for this product.
Not determined for this product.
Not determined for this product.
Not determined for this product.
Any waste generated by this product (in its liquid form or dried residue) is considered to be hazardous. Use licensed hazardous waste transporter and disposal facility.
IATA Cargo
- Hazard Class:
- EMS:
- Hazard Class:
- EMS:
The listed transportation classification applies to IATA Cargo and IMDG non-bulk shipments. It does not address regulatory variations due to changes in package size, mode of shipment or other regulatory descriptors for your country or particular locality. For the most accurate shipping information, refer to your transportation/compliance department.
All components of this product are on the AICS list.
- Revision:
Section 2
- Effective Date:
The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results, and assume no liability for damages incurred by use of this material. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
Application Directions:
Please read in order to achieve greater results.
1. Using a variable speed course rasp wheel, buff belt surface aggressively on all areas that will contact Fuse repair, to ensure a rough textured surface is achieved.
2. Remove rubber debris from belt surface.
Preparation of belt cover
3. Use enclosed rubber gloves and proper personal protective equipment when handling Fuse belt repair products.
4. Use enclosed Fire-resistant Solvent and brush to clean entire belt repair area.
5. Allow Solvent to dry.
6. Use Fuse Primer and brush onto belt repair area.
7. Allow Primer to dry.
8. Pour contents of FUSE Product (A) Smaller container into the FUSE Product (B) container.
9. Mix product (A+B) thoroughly for at least two minutes with mixing stick or until consistent colour is reached.
10. First brush mixed content to affected area and then pour remaining contents slowly onto repair area until repair is level with surface of belt.
11. Use enclosed plastic trowel to smooth surface and feather edges. FUSE repair will harden rapidly, so work quickly.
12. Allow product to harden for at least two hours before starting belt.
13. If necessary, slow speed grinder can be used when repair is completely cured (after 2-3 hours) to smooth surface of repair.